Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Well it's absolutely freezing outside, I had an electric ceramic heater set up on the lathe bed itself in an effort to keep warm, it was partially successful!
Reading through a few websites I cam across one covering thin stemmed Goblets, also after viewing the french trembleur turning I was keen to attempt a skinny one, and as such the following pics record the result.

I plan on doing a few more of these for future exhibitions.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

I managed to sell a few items from the high street shop but sales have slackened right off again now. Meanwhile I have been invited to display some stuff at the St Davids Wild Food Festival in May, so with that in mind I have been pretty busy roughing out sufficient material to have it dry and ready to finish in time for the event.

I thought while doing this it would be a good opportunity to create another video, this time showing the process of roughing out a natural edged bowl, in Holly. You can see the video here